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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How is this related to Closure Compiler CLI?
  2. Can you add a new option from Closure Compiler?
  3. Is it possible to create multiple bundles?
  4. Where can I find a complete list of the available options to configure Closure Compiler Maven Plugin?
  5. Does Closure Compiler Maven Plugin support watching for file changes?
  6. Does Closure Compiler Maven Plugin integrate with Eclipse m2e?
  7. Which JavaScript compressor engines does Closure Compiler Maven Plugin support?
How is this related to Closure Compiler CLI?

This is a maven plugin that allows you to run closure compiler on your project sources when building your project.


It uses the Java API of closure compiler, but I try to stay as close to the options from the Closure Compiler CLI application.


Can you add a new option from Closure Compiler?

Sure, no problem. Open a new issue


But please not that I try not to expose any internal options not offered by the Closure Compiler CLI application.


Is it possible to create multiple bundles?

Yes! Use multiple <execution> tags with different final names.

Note that execution id's have to be unique among all executions of a single plugin within a POM.


Where can I find a complete list of the available options to configure Closure Compiler Maven Plugin?

See minify:minify goal overview page.


Does Closure Compiler Maven Plugin support watching for file changes?

Google Closure Compiler itself does not sport a watch mode, but see the example for watching for file changes



Does Closure Compiler Maven Plugin integrate with Eclipse m2e?




Which JavaScript compressor engines does Closure Compiler Maven Plugin support?

As the name implies, it uses Google Closure Compiler

