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This document is intended to provide instructions for using the Closure Compiler Maven Plugin.
In order for this discussion to be useful, it's critical to cover two topics:

  1. Configuring your project's pom.xml to run the plugin during the project's build cycle
  2. Invoking the plugin from the command-line

Configure Minify Maven Plugin

By tying the goals of the plugin to a phase in the build cycle, the specified goals will run each time that phase of the build cycle is executed. Doing this can make it easier to add the plugin to your project, because it eliminates the need to run the plugin standalone.

To bind the minify goal of the Minify Maven Plugin to a phase in the build cycle, you will need to add the execution tag with the goal set to minify. Optionally, you can bind the plugin to a different build phase by using the phase option. For instance, using package in the phase option will force the minify goal to run each time this phase of the build cycle occurs.

For a complete list of the available configuration options see minify:minify goal overview page.

Merge order

Applies when input JS files are merged and minified into a single output file:

  1. For each include (input file) defined in includes, the list of matching files is created.
  2. The matching files for each include are sorted alphabetically.
  3. Matching files from different include's are added in the order as specified.

See also Using include/exclude patterns.

  <!-- ... -->
      <!-- ... -->
            <phase>package</phase><!-- When omitted defaults to 'process-resources' -->

              <!-- These are the defaults -->

              <!-- List of files to process. May use wildcards. -->
                <!-- ... -->



      <!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->

Invoke from the command-line

Create the project archive containing the new files.

mvn package