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Monaco editor is the code editor which powers VS Code, with the features better described here.

primefaces-monaco is wrapper for monaco editor that lets your use it as a JSF component.

This is the documentation for the client-side part of the API, see the project page on github for more info on the project.


You create the monaco editor widget by including it in an XHTML page. A basic usage would look like this:

<blut:monaco widgetVar="editor" value="..." extender="createExtender()"/>

See here for the tag documentation. The client-side API consists of the following pieces:

  • You can use PF("editor") to get access to the widget instance. This will return an instance of ExtMonacoEditorInline or ExtMonacoEditorFramed.
  • If specified, the extender needs to either evaluate to an instance of MonacoExtenderInline (inline widget); or be an URL to a script that creates an instance of MonacoExtenderFramed (framed widget) and saves it to window.MonacoEnvironment.Extender. It lets you customize the editor if the widget options should not suffice.
  • If you use this widget, the monaco editor library will be loaded and is available via window.monaco. This is the same as the official monaco editor API.

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