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Interface EditorLayoutInfo

The internal layout details of the editor.


  • EditorLayoutInfo



Readonly contentLeft

contentLeft: number

Left position for the content (actual text)

Readonly contentWidth

contentWidth: number

The width of the content (actual text)

Readonly decorationsLeft

decorationsLeft: number

Left position for the line decorations.

Readonly decorationsWidth

decorationsWidth: number

The width of the line decorations.

Readonly glyphMarginLeft

glyphMarginLeft: number

Left position for the glyph margin.

Readonly glyphMarginWidth

glyphMarginWidth: number

The width of the glyph margin.

Readonly height

height: number

Full editor height.

Readonly horizontalScrollbarHeight

horizontalScrollbarHeight: number

The height of the horizontal scrollbar.

Readonly isViewportWrapping

isViewportWrapping: boolean

Readonly isWordWrapMinified

isWordWrapMinified: boolean

Readonly lineNumbersLeft

lineNumbersLeft: number

Left position for the line numbers.

Readonly lineNumbersWidth

lineNumbersWidth: number

The width of the line numbers.

Readonly minimap

Layout information for the minimap

Readonly overviewRuler

overviewRuler: OverviewRulerPosition

The position of the overview ruler.

Readonly verticalScrollbarWidth

verticalScrollbarWidth: number

The width of the vertical scrollbar.

Readonly viewportColumn

viewportColumn: number

The number of columns (of typical characters) fitting on a viewport line.

Readonly width

width: number

Full editor width.

Readonly wrappingColumn

wrappingColumn: number

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