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Interface IModelDecorationOptions

Options for a model decoration.


  • IModelDecorationOptions



Optional afterContentClassName

afterContentClassName: string | null

If set, the decoration will be rendered after the text with this CSS class name.

Optional beforeContentClassName

beforeContentClassName: string | null

If set, the decoration will be rendered before the text with this CSS class name.

Optional className

className: string | null

CSS class name describing the decoration.

Optional firstLineDecorationClassName

firstLineDecorationClassName: string | null

If set, the decoration will be rendered in the lines decorations with this CSS class name, but only for the first line in case of line wrapping.

Optional glyphMarginClassName

glyphMarginClassName: string | null

If set, the decoration will be rendered in the glyph margin with this CSS class name.

Optional glyphMarginHoverMessage

glyphMarginHoverMessage: IMarkdownString | IMarkdownString[] | null

Message to be rendered when hovering over the glyph margin decoration.

Optional hoverMessage

hoverMessage: IMarkdownString | IMarkdownString[] | null

Array of MarkdownString to render as the decoration message.

Optional inlineClassName

inlineClassName: string | null

If set, the decoration will be rendered inline with the text with this CSS class name. Please use this only for CSS rules that must impact the text. For example, use className to have a background color decoration.

Optional inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing

inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing: boolean

If there is an inlineClassName which affects letter spacing.

Optional isWholeLine

isWholeLine: boolean

Should the decoration expand to encompass a whole line.

Optional linesDecorationsClassName

linesDecorationsClassName: string | null

If set, the decoration will be rendered in the lines decorations with this CSS class name.

Optional marginClassName

marginClassName: string | null

If set, the decoration will be rendered in the margin (covering its full width) with this CSS class name.

Optional minimap

If set, render this decoration in the minimap.

Optional overviewRuler

If set, render this decoration in the overview ruler.

Optional stickiness

Customize the growing behavior of the decoration when typing at the edges of the decoration. Defaults to TrackedRangeStickiness.AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges

Optional zIndex

zIndex: number

Specifies the stack order of a decoration. A decoration with greater stack order is always in front of a decoration with a lower stack order.

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