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Interface IEncodedLineTokens

The result of a line tokenization.


  • IEncodedLineTokens





endState: IState

The tokenization end state. A pointer will be held to this and the object should not be modified by the tokenizer after the pointer is returned.


tokens: Uint32Array

The tokens on the line in a binary, encoded format. Each token occupies two array indices. For token i:

  • at offset 2*i => startIndex
  • at offset 2*i + 1 => metadata Meta data is in binary format:

3322 2222 2222 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000
1098 7654 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210

bbbb bbbb bfff ffff ffFF FTTT LLLL LLLL

  • L = EncodedLanguageId (8 bits): Use getEncodedLanguageId to get the encoded ID of a language.
  • T = StandardTokenType (3 bits): Other = 0, Comment = 1, String = 2, RegEx = 4.
  • F = FontStyle (3 bits): None = 0, Italic = 1, Bold = 2, Underline = 4.
  • f = foreground ColorId (9 bits)
  • b = background ColorId (9 bits)
  • The color value for each colorId is defined in IStandaloneThemeData.customTokenColors: e.g. colorId = 1 is stored in IStandaloneThemeData.customTokenColors[1]. Color id = 0 means no color, id = 1 is for the default foreground color, id = 2 for the default background.

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