Promise<readonly typescript.RenameLocation[] | undefined>
Get possible code fixes at the given position in the file.
Get diagnostic messages related to the current compiler options.
Not used
Get code completion details for the given file, position, and entry.
Promise<typescript.CompletionEntryDetails | undefined>
Get code completions for the given file and position.
Promise<typescript.CompletionInfo | undefined>
Get the definition of the item at the given position in the file.
Promise<ReadonlyArray<typescript.DefinitionInfo> | undefined>
Get transpiled output for the given file.
Get formatting changes which should be applied after the given keystroke.
Get changes which should be applied to format the given file.
Get changes which should be applied to format the given range in the file.
Get outline entries for the item at the given position in the file.
Get other ranges which are related to the item at the given position in the file (often used for highlighting).
Promise<ReadonlyArray<typescript.ReferenceEntry> | undefined>
Get quick info for the item at the given position in the file.
Promise<typescript.QuickInfo | undefined>
Get references to the item at the given position in the file.
Promise<typescript.ReferenceEntry[] | undefined>
Get edits which should be applied to rename the item at the given file and position (or a failure reason).
Get the content of a given file.
Get diagnostic messages for any semantic issues in the given file.
Get signature help items for the item at the given file and position.
Promise<typescript.SignatureHelpItems | undefined>
Get diagnostic messages for any suggestions related to the given file.
Get diagnostic messages for any syntax issues in the given file.
Generated using TypeDoc
Get other occurrences which should be updated when renaming the item at the given file and position.