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Interface ExtMonacoEditorBaseCfgBase




Readonly autoResize

autoResize: boolean

Whether the monaco editor is resized automatically. Please not that this requires the browser to support for ResizeObserver

Readonly basename

basename: string

Basename for the URI used for the model.

Readonly directory

directory: string

Directory (path) for the URI used for the model.

Readonly disabled

disabled: boolean

Whether the editor is currently disabled.

Readonly editorOptions

editorOptions: Readonly<IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions>

The options that were used to construct the monaco editor instance.

Readonly extender

extender: any

The extender for enhancing the editor with client-side functionality. Exact type depends on whether the inlined or framed editor is used.

Readonly extension

extension: string

Extension for the URI used for the model.

Readonly language

language: string

The code language tag, eg. css or javascript. See also monaco.language.getLangauges.

Readonly readonly

readonly: boolean

Whether the editor is currently read-only.

Readonly scheme

scheme: string

Scheme (protocol) for the URI used for the model.

Readonly tabIndex

tabIndex: number

Tab index for the editor.

Readonly uiLanguage

uiLanguage: string

The code of the current UI language of the monaco editor, eg. en or de.

Readonly uiLanguageUri

uiLanguageUri: string

The Uri to the locale file with the translations for the current language.

Readonly version

version: string

The version of this primefaces-monaco library. Used for caching resources etc.

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